12 Years
#Foundation Day
#Fun Run
#Family Fun Day
Enjoying the great weather yesterday. It was fun under the rain, testing the immune system and our body’s resistance to abrupt changed of the unpredicted weather condition. We witnessed how blessed these learners while running, and playing under the rain. It was a day full of challenges through our prepared games like “amazing race 2
2k18″, chicks raising, spaghetti eating contest and many more.
Nothing beats the happiness of our learners when they love what they are asked to do. We have seen their teamwork and sportsmanship to the highest level. There were shouts of joy and great laughter after each victory. Some came just for the sake of seeing friends, meeting new experiences, but we admired the presence of our very supportive parents who woke up early and bring their kids to school to have some fun while running and dancing as one.
#Keep soaring higher Benthelians
#We will stand courageously and Conquer our weaknesses making them all as our strengths
#Choose Benthel
#Thank you all for being part of our growth.
February 23 – 24, 2018